Sunday, March 30, 2014

Chapter 9 Those Forgotten

Chapter 9
Those Forgotten

Rain was falling from the night sky in torrents.

And completely exposed on the top of a thirteen story building was Theta and Alysia. They were observing the Launcher. Because walking in was now no longer an option. It was too risky because someone had apparently tipped off their presence in the city to the Order.

Today was the day to sneak in. They had been observing the area for two days and had gotten word to Elder Melchior about their situation.

They had received less than stellar news. They had four days to reach the facility. It had already been one day and time seemed to be slipping away faster and faster.

The building was composed of a few different parts. The lower part of the building looked like a really expensive foyer for a hotel. Behind the building was an area for loading and unloading the imports and exports for the Launcher. Theta was on the building adjacent to the Launcher. And as it turned out the building was for more than just imports and exports. There were restraunts, shopping areas, and an area for formal events.

Theta waited a couple seconds then turned his head to Alysia, who was perched on his shoulder, and asked, “Ready?”

Alysia turned. “Ready.” She said and left her perch.

The plan was that Theta would wait until Alysia caused a distraction. Once the distraction occurred Theta would zip line over, with some equipment he had “acquired” lying around near a sports equipment store and from a man who “had connections”. As he was going over he would prepare to breach into the building.  

Theta was excited. It was going to be very dangerous, but also very cool. Theta was going to be aiming for the ninth floor. It held very few people and was lightly guarded, for it was currently being renovated. It however was only worked on during daytime hours.

Theta contacted Alysia on the coms, “How are we looking?”

“Get ready.” Was all she said.

Theta grabbed the hook launcher and stood ready aiming.

“Now.” He heard Alysia say softly.

Theta pulled the trigger and there was a thumping sound as the canister left the barrel. In the canister was a drill surrounded in gel as soon as the canister was ruptured the drill would burrow into the building and the gel would become a very effective adhesive. As soon as the canister hit Theta pulled the trigger again and a similar canister fired into the concrete behind him.

He hooked onto the line and stood on the edge. And jumped.

He was moving very fast on the line and he hear the wheels whining with strain.

A quarter of the way through he saw all the windows on the second floor explode outwards. There were no flames. It was a non-lethal attack, intended to distract not hurt.

Theta was nearing his window he brought his legs close to his body and tried to coil as much strength as possible. A foot away from the glass he kicked as hard as he could and the glass gave way Theta rolled as he entered.

Coming to a stop he stood and brought out his blades.

He began to scan the room. Not seeing any immediate threat he took a closer look around him. All the lights were off and there was only the light from the city and the occasional flash of lightning. Much of the room was missing sections of the wall and insulating plastic hung over certain areas. Obviously in the early stages of renovation. The wind from the storm outside caused the plastic to ripple and wave.

True to their observations the area was absent of people.

Theta, raising Alysia on the coms, said, “Alright I am in and all is clear. Where are you?”

“On the way, it may take a minute. Wiring in the walls and ceilings are messing with my Transparencing device. I will have to take the air ducts. The ducts also might mess with my communications. Just keep moving to the elevators I will meet you there.”

“If you take more than ten minutes and I can’t contact you I will come looking for you.” Theta said.

“Alri-,” she was cut off by static.

“Alysia I am losing you, if you can hear me elevators, in ten minutes.”

He began to progress through the floor. The elevators were at the very center of the building and Theta had entered at outer edge. Theta had only started walking when he began his eyes began to play tricks on him.

He thought he saw people walking around corners but whenever he turned around it there was no one.

He kept walking and attributed the figures to dim lighting and an overactive imagination.

He had just rounded the corner when he saw a woman standing in the middle of an empty room.

She was about his age but was a head shorter than him. She had black hair that was braided and draped over her shoulder. She was wearing what appeared to be a very regal looking party gown. She was very pretty looking. She was also smiling at him.

Theta was very confused.

The woman raised her hand and beckoned him to come to her.

“Who are you?” Theta asked, not moving.

The woman tilted her head and gave him a playful frown. She walked up to him grabbed his hand and tugged lightly at his hand.

Slowly, as if in a daze, Theta complied with the woman. He began to walk forward and the woman turned around and was leading him. She let go of him and

They turned a corner and somehow they were now in a large hall. It was largely made of stone. However there were supporting beams along the walls. There were tables with mounds of food, a large roaring fire place, and many people dancing, eating, and generally enjoying the company of the others. At the end of the hall was a man sitting in a throne.

He looked like a king.

He sat with a jeweled crown a top his head, a sword sat in a scabbard, resting against his throne, he wore a red cape and was wearing a white tunic cinched at his waist. Next to him was a woman of unbelievable beauty. She was standing next to the man and though she was smiling, she stood perfectly straight and her eyes seemed to see everyone and everything in the room.

The woman next to Theta started pulling him towards the king. As soon as he crossed the threshold to the room he felt like had instantly gained a hundred pounds. He stumbled a little bit and looked down at himself. His suit was now a suit of heavy knight’s armor. He took off his helmet and saw externally it had changed too, but on the inside it remained the same. Theta didn’t know what was going on and the memory of what he had been doing before coming into the room was becoming blurry. Something about meeting someone.

Wait, he thought. He need to meet the king and discuss his latest quest. He was to come and find him in the Hall.

So he started walking towards the king with more confidence. The woman he had met earlier still walking with him.

On his way many raised a glass to him and others tipped their heads, some called to him by a name he didn’t recognize and slipped through his mind before he could grasp it.

When he arrived at the Kings throne he knelt before him and waited.

“Rise.” He said in a deep and authoritative voice. As Theta did he saw the king stand as well and with a smile on his face.

Theta after rising turned to the queen, bowed, and said, “My Lady.”

This she returned with a curtsy and she smiled but quickly returned to her previous decorum.

The king started to walk and motioned for Theta to follow. He started walking and was about to say something when the king motioned him to wait. So he remained silent. He turned around and saw the woman he had met earlier start talking with the queen.

He followed the king through a series of hallways and was led to a room with a map of a countryside dotted with assorted color flags.

Then the king said, “How goes the war effort?”

“It goes well my Lord. We have captured four enemy officers as well as overtaking Fortress Berenz, and have found news of a plot against your life.” Theta replied not knowing where this knowledge came from.

“Good. What of the assassination plot?” He asked, reaching under the table and retrieving box.

“There is no need for worry sire. I have ordered the walls be constantly patrolled as well as the doubling of your guard.” Theta answered. The king took out a small flag and replaced a red flag on the map with a blue one.

The king came over to Theta and put his hand on his shoulder. “You have done well E-“ 

The king was cut off by screaming in the coming from the Hall.

They both ran back to the room and upon entering saw a fight raging. The knights of the Hall were fighting against what looked like shadows of themselves. The shadows seemed to be made of solid darkness. The only real person among them was a woman in a cloak. She bore a shocking resemblance to the King.

She looked at the king and Theta.

The king reached to his waist and took out a sword. Theta felt his own waist and found two swords there. He drew them and positioned to attack.

The woman in the cloak smiled a cruel smile. She opened her palm at Theta and said, “Return to your sheathe.”

 A spike of gray energy flew from her hand and impaled Theta. His chest began to feel cold and stiff. He saw his chest plate turning to stone. It felt like an icy hand was encircling itself around his heart.

It was becoming harder to breathe. He looked and saw the king fighting his own shadow. The woman cackled as each knight fell. Then the stone closed over Theta’s eyes.

The cold was horrible it felt like it was crushing, suffocating him.

Then he heard a voice.

It was calling to him.

He opened his eyes and started to see. He was lying on the ground with red lights flashing and a siren blaring. Then a hawk landed on his chest and shouted, “Theta get up!”

“Alysia I-,”

“Theta we need to go! The guards are coming.” She shouted at him flapping her wings and dragging him to his feet.

“Where is the elevator?” He knew he would have to wait to talk about what he saw.

“A couple of turns. I had to go and find you because you were taking too long. Then a group of guards found your entry, and you. You didn’t appear to be one of theirs so they assumed the explosion was tied to you.”

“Well this complicates things.” Theta said as he started to run.

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