Monday, October 7, 2013

Chapter 7 Getting a Ride

Chapter 7

Getting a Ride

As soon as the doors opened Theta got up and walked out briskly. He kept his head low as he entered the station. Which largely resembled the one he had just come from and had many people brushing past him to enter the train. He began to walk towards the exit hoping they would slow the soldiers if they were following him.

Theta climbed the stairs and arrived. He looked around at his surroundings. Large amounts of people walked to and fro. The area he was in did not resemble what he had seen from the outside.

Theta could hear metal boots. Why were they coming after him? He had just got here.

“Alysia?!” Theta said with urgency.

“Coffee shop. To your left.” She said quietly.

Theta looked and saw it. The coffee shop was just behind the stairs leading out of the subway. It had a wood and glass door and two glass windows with patrons talking and drinking at tables. It was a part of a wall of assorted stores and offices. Resembling any other city Theta could imagine.

Theta quickly ran in and shut the door behind him. He stepped to the right. With his back to the wall he peaked through the door’s glass.

He saw the soldiers run in the opposite direction.

Theta hung his head and let out a breath.

“Wow that was clo-,” Theta couldn’t finish because when he looked back up everyone in the café had stopped and were watching him inquisitively.

“I… Uh…. Really need some coffee. I was really close to…Um…. Yeah.” Theta stammered as he walked to a nearby empty table and lowered his head. He sat down and grabbed a menu that was resting on it. He raised it up and covered his face.

Everyone restarted their conversations.

A waitress walked over to Theta with a little flipbook in hand.

“Can I help you?” She asked with a smile.

“Uh. What do you suggest?” Theta said not lowering the menu.

“I suggest the caramel, double shot, mocha, frappe, with crème and sugar.” She said.

Theta paused for a moment and suppressed the urge to look and see if she was serious.

So he just said, “Yeah I’ll take that.”

“Alright.” She said but she didn’t move.

Theta waited a moment and asked, “Yes?”

“I need the menu.” She said.

Theta dropped his head to the table and handed her the menu.

“Thank you sir. Oh and P.S. it is alright if people see the helmet. They won’t judge you.”

Theta lifted his head and cocked it.

“Everyone understands that you guys who work in the mills only have short breaks. So it is understandable to leave the suit on.” She said.

“Oh yeah. That’s why I was acting all weird. I am new so I was a little worried if people would think I’m lazy or crazy.” Theta lied.

“Its fine I will be here in a moment with your coffee.” She said and turned around.

Theta let down his hood and set the helmet on the back of his chair. He brought his hood back up. He didn’t want to be in pictures or let people see his face.

He felt Alysia’s weight leave his shoulder and saw the chair across from him shift a little.

“Taking a seat eh?” Theta said, smiling.

“Shush I can’t talk and you will stand out speaking to thin air.” Alysia said quietly.

Theta nodded.

A minute later Theta’s coffee arrived. He gave the girl the card with his money. He found out they were called E-Cards.

Theta picked up the plastic cup and took a sip. It took a large amount of will power not to spit it out instantly. It somehow mixed sickeningly sweet with extremely bitter.

Theta tried one more sip before dumping the rest into a nearby potted plant.

He left the cup and put his helmet back on. He got up and started to walk away. As he neared the door he felt Alysia land on his shoulder.

As he stepped out the door he looked up. He saw the station in the sky that would send him to his destination. He couldn’t see the tube that led up to it. He raised his hood as he began to walk.

“Alysia where is the way to the station up there?” Theta said, making sure his voice didn’t leave the suit.

“It is ten blocks away. We can walk or use the public transportation system.” Alysia advised.

“Let’s try the cab.” Theta said.

“I will leave it to you.” Alysia said to him.

With that Theta walked to the curb of the road near the entrance to the subway.

He raised his arm out when he saw a yellow car. However the vehicle just drove by.

“Maybe he didn’t see you.” Alysia said.

The cars driving by actually had no tires. They seemed to hover just above the ground.

Theta raised his arm again and held it there.

Maybe he hadn’t given the cab driver enough time, Theta thought.

Two more cabs drove by.

Theta tried waving his arms. The cabs still drove by.

“I guess we are walking.” Theta said with annoyance.

Theta began walking to the street that would lead him to the platform. When he rounded the corner however he saw a security checkpoint. It was heavily manned and each person entering had to be searched. The men manning it looked largely similar to the ones in the subway.

“Alysia. How are we supposed to get through that?” Theta said, gesturing to it.

“Hm. That wasn’t on the specs. It must change. Random security points maybe. Ask someone where one more checkpoint is.” Alysia ordered.

So theta walked across the street and found a man who seemed educated and semi-important.

“Hey pal. You wouldn’t happen to know where another security checkpoint is. I know that one down there, but do you know where another one is?” Theta asked.

The guy looked at him and said, “Yes on the intersection of Kilimanjaro Street and Kilpatrick Avenue.”

“Thanks.” Theta said as he walked away.

Then to Alysia he said, “Ok you have a smart plan don’t you.”


Theta could detect the smirk in her voice.

“Ok I give what was the point?” Theta said as he stopped near a light post.

“Well I looked at the map of the city and found the locations of those two security points. Then I found past security point randomization charts, very difficult mind you. Then looking at the two points we obtain-,”

Theta interrupted and said, “Ok I get it. Sorry but we need to get out of here. You know stopping the unleashing of a general of hell is kind of a big deal. I do acknowledge your smartness.”

“Hmph. Fine, this is the best way to go.” She said. 

Theta began walking.

As he followed the path the area around him began to get worse and worse in appearance.


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